Saturday, May 11, 2013

Holy Crap, can Lane have any more on his plate?

OK, if I had as much pressure during my junior year as Lane does now, I would have been taken-away in a straight-jacket and placed in a nice white-padded room.

Within 10 days, he had, or has to, take the ACT, work lights and sound for the Advanced Acting Company's performance, Take the AP US History test,  write 2 essays, perform a role for an audience, submit his film to 20 places, line up summer internships, and oh yea, Prom.

It's not just him, this is what all of his friends are going through this time of junior year. Lane's got all this extra theatre and film commitments, but others have sports which eat up massive amounts of time as well.

Here is a Video he made for the band The Headhunters.

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