Thursday, August 2, 2007

Resent Pictures 08/02/2007

A take off of Woodstock, this year we had a staff member play music as the rest of camp enjoyed making bracelets, playing Frisbee, writing messages, face painting and performing in a drum circle around a huge bon fire.

Lane and His Good Friend James

No, I'm not buying a boat!!!

When I went to camp, I was "home-Sick"
Now that I'm grown and I'm the parent that stays home, while my son goes off to camp
I'm "Home-Sick" all over again.

Lane the Water Skier

It has been a long two weeks with Lane Away at camp.

I must say the letters are few and far between.
Lucky for At least we get to see pictures.

Click to see the Flyer
lLane the water Skier.doc - 98.00KB