Monday, October 18, 2010

Shirley Ruzumna

I have been writing this Blog for a few years now. I'm not sure exactly why  began, nor am i sure that the most important events have necessarily gotten their fair share of space, but I am sure that the "Lubell family blog" has been decidedly up-beat. That is partially due to me having a truly fortunate life, and in part my unwillingness to share some of the "Darker moments". Today I do have to write about the sad and disturbing situation involving Shirley. 

What began as a simple ache in her arm, developed into the situation we have today. Shirley has truly been going through a living Hell. A "trial by fire" that would have caused Hercules or Oddesses to quit; yet one that Shirley has fought with courage and grace. I have watched her battle to keep her spirits up, in fact even lifting those around her. Shirley loves to cook, to make the party, to be the one serving.   All that know her can imagine how hard it must be for her to have others do for her, those things that she has always taken such joy and pride to do for others.

But Shirley is never alone, she is circled by a team of warriors fighting by her side, and of them, Ed is clearly the General. He has been unwavering in his love and support. He has been there for her in every way, made every sacrifice and asked nothing but that God would give him more time to spend with Shirley.

Steven has been a constant source of pride and happiness to Shirley.
He has been there with Ed for each piece of news. All the long days and nights both by his mom's side but also a great help to Ed.

What I  know best I know though the eyes of Ilene. It is so difficult to watch someone you love go through such pain. Throughout the years I have known Ilene she has always spoken of her relationship with her Mom as one that transcends that of just Mother and Daughter,and includes being "Best friends" I know that Ilene looks to her Mom as an inspiration and the bedrock on which her life was built. I have watched Ilene go through a personal Hell, one where she is constantly "Torn". Every moment she is here in Chicago, she feels guilty and longs to be with her family in Detroit. When in Detroit, she feels bad that she is missing Lane's first week of High School, or his Cross Country meet. It is so hard to for her, and yet it's never herself that she thinks of, instead her thoughts are just for those that Love her and need her.

I would be amiss not to mention all of those that have been by Shirley's side. Her sisters, nieces, extended family, many coming from around the country to lend there support and Love. So many that have visited in the hospital or at home. Those you have sent cards, made calls. All of Ed and Shirley's friends that have been so supportive. Friends of ours that do not go a week without calling Ilene, many offering to help drive Lane, or whatever they can do, while Ilene is out of town.

Yes today is not a "Happy post", but it is an important one. Let's all close our eyes and hope, pray and above all, close ranks and wish Shirley well.         



Judy & Jerry Lubell Memories said...

The rapid response team was in the room and she had a seizure. She wasn't responding. Finally she responded but they told us things r just going to get worse. I am sick. I was holding her hand trying to get het to open her eyes.


Larry said...

I just got a message from Ilene.

"My dad is on the phone with the doc. I have a feeling I am about to get some really bad news. I mean I know what is coming."

I feel so bad for Ilene.
Save for loosing a child, There is nothing more difficult. From before she could see, her mother was by her side. People talk about "Being Connected" but with our Mothers we are "literly connected." They give us life.

I wish Steven and Ed comfort, I wish them all the strength to wake-up each morning and to focus on the tens of thousands of moments of joy that Shirley brought into their lives- Into all of our lives.
I heard another Txt message come over my phone; but I am afraid to open it now.