We have become people that frequently are in an audience watching theater. While Ilene and I have always loved seeing live performances, and have done so with above average consistency, yet over the past few years it appears we have been on an escalating cycle of the more we consume, the greater our hunger. The above three were all seen in a single weekend.
How we got to this point is a product of several intertwined factors, each increasing the likelihood that we would wind-up viewing a couple dozen plays per year. First, I have the brain of a 5 year-old that needs constant entertainment. Be it plays, movies, concerts or museums, I like to watch, and to lose myself in stories, and or, marvel at some new scientific discovery. I insisted on taking Lane to his first play at six months, and he was hooked. He fell in love with the theatre, and in high school and college was both on stage as well as working as a lighting designer. He was involved in show-so we saw those, and his passion resulted with us adding him to our season tickets.

I don't always remember to take a picture, but these seem to be those where I remembered in the past year. I understand that we are privileged to have the opportunity to see so many works, Tickets aren't cheap, add to this the events at museums, concerts, clubs, and fundraisers and the total is more than I believe it is wise for me to tally. In short it is a great luxury.
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