First bit of good news, it appears that the Earth did not end on 12/21/2012.
Since Mom and Dad bought a townhome in Delray Beach, we have spent Christmas break in Florida. There is something nice about getting out of the winter for 10 days. It is a part of my nature to feel compelled to see each museum, and local attraction, often to the annoience of Ilene, and the confusion of most everyone else. I also, had an obsesion about getting a "Show-off Tan". time has mellowed me, or at least I have lost some of the desire to fight for beach time and 8:00am wake-up calls needed to ccheck off the long list of "Must do, Must see" items on my list. OK, truth be told, we have been there enough times that I don't have much on my must do list, and as I move further from the fantasy that I still look "Cool" on a beach; I have adjusted to the "Hang out game plan.
The truth is, our plans in Florida can get confusing. This is really a GOOD THING. We have a rather large group of people that we need to, and want to see. People laughed when I made my chart, but I did make some use of it over the time. Granted I had a few errors, and ther must be an easier way than using "Paint"
Now the first night we got in, it was near 2:00am; so we pretty much went right to sleep. The next morning we got up walked out to the car, I turned and saw The BATMOBILE parked in the space next to my parent's car.
Most of the focus of the trip was to just relax and spend time with as a family, and with people that distance limits the amount of quality time we have together.
Ok, So I can't totally say ways from attactrations, or for that matter, any opportunty to take photos.
Now the city of Palm Beach was created so that very wealthy people have a way to spend large sums of money.
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