After I got dressed in the morning, I would walk over to my Dad’s store (which was a
block away) Some days my mom would be asleep, tired from the long day on her
feet the day before. Other days both my mom and dad would already have been in
the store working. My mother would be making the egg salad, pickling herring,
or whatever food was appropriate for the time of year, or up-coming Jewish
holiday. My dad would be working behind
the counter or doing stock, but would stop to make me breakfast. Like any food
store, there were always suppliers making deliveries. Who ever was delivering merchandise to the store, my Dad would
ask them to drive his “Judala” to school.
Sometimes I went with the Coca -Cola truck, sometimes with the milk
truck etc.
living across from the Latin School, I see kids getting dropped off coming out
of BMWs, Porsches, and sometimes limos. I stepped off the milk wagon and I
thought it was great.
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