Thursday, July 6, 2006
Jesus Christ and Parenthood
The show was good, It is difficult with a “Rock “ anything, because you are use to certain voices. Bob Dylan does not have a trained voice but it is recognizable. I could not tell the difference between Pavarotti and his understudy. It’s like I can’t tell the difference between a $30.00 bottle of wine and a $300.00 bottle, but I can taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. These people were good but the people ion the original record were “Great”. Lane on his own came to that same conclusion; But he loved it.
Changing dippers did not make me feel like a parent; but Lane leaving his retainer thing last night at Arbys last night did. There is a chance that they might have it, they were closed when we realized. Lane started crying uncontrollably, “I am a terrible person, I let the whole family down” It’s all my fault I should be punished for a month.”
Of course I am the rational adult chiming in with comments like “That’s it that is the end of braces or “That’s it, now we will have to cancel our trip to Florida.”
“It’s all my fault, Lane has my genes” I did a poor job rearing him”
Meanwhile Ilene is upset and saying “It’s my fault” I should have kept an eye on it” “I’m just over whelmed.”
Lane is crying “Blame me not your selves.”
The irony is we just came from Jesus Christ Superstar, and the three of us are all playing the part of Martyr.
You would have been rolling on the floor in laughter
I must admit It would be much funnier if we find the thing.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Judy The Beauty
Some things stick!
My sister, Sylvia, Had a wedding shower. We, of course
I brought a gift, and as a joke I signed the card “Judy the Beauty”..
There were a whole group of girls that hung out at our local drug store
The next time I was there with a few of my friends they started calling me " Judy the Beauty” After that My friends started calling me by that nickname. I don’t know if nicknames are as popular now, but then it seemed like a lot of people had them..My brother Marvin was called Bullet; as a result I as
sometimes called “Little Bullet”. Even my father had a nickname his was
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
My trip to school

After I got dressed in the morning, I would walk over to my Dad’s store (which was a
block away) Some days my mom would be asleep, tired from the long day on her
feet the day before. Other days both my mom and dad would already have been in
the store working. My mother would be making the egg salad, pickling herring,
or whatever food was appropriate for the time of year, or up-coming Jewish
holiday. My dad would be working behind
the counter or doing stock, but would stop to make me breakfast. Like any food
store, there were always suppliers making deliveries. Who ever was delivering merchandise to the store, my Dad would
ask them to drive his “Judala” to school.
Sometimes I went with the Coca -Cola truck, sometimes with the milk
truck etc.
living across from the Latin School, I see kids getting dropped off coming out
of BMWs, Porsches, and sometimes limos. I stepped off the milk wagon and I
thought it was great.
Monday, April 3, 2006
Sol Senter Saralyn Zucker, Ronald Senter
Harold Senter Marlene Zaslove, Jerry Senter
Sidney Senter Jackie Walker, Sheri Senter
Helen Kalan Harvey Kalan, Steven Kalan, Susan Press
Louis Senter Marsha Scully
Bobby Senter L. Dawn Lopez
Bob Ross Michael Ross, Margot Kruse, Kim Kading, Vicki Ross, Donna Ross
Shirley Goldberg Irene Ezring, Maxine Cohen, Marlene Goldberg
Louise Pierce Laura Baren, Mitchell Pierce, Janet Ritter, Brad Pierce
Eileen Cohen Joe Cohen, Deborah Cohen, Robin Kwiek, Rebecca Cohen
Sarah Adelman Steven Adelman, Bev Karns
Helen Hoffman Marsha Steinberg, Arlene Mayzel
Raymond Leavitt
Irving Greenberg Louis Greenberg
Florence Slade Lynn Comen, Laurie Slade
Bernie Greenberg Barbara Joyce, Susan Demerer, Joni Bagby
George Greenberg Larry Greenberg, Mike Greenberg, Wendy DuFour
Harry Leavitt Renee Leavitt, Jay Leavitt
Robert Leavitt Ronald Leavitt, Jeff Leavitt, Debra Gilmore
Cal Leavitt Arnold Leavitt, Dana Scapa
Allan Leavitt Lee Leavitt
Sylvia Wax Alan Wax, Michael Wax
Nettie Naftal Diana Naftal
Norman Leavitt Stephen Leavitt, Seth Leavitt
Sylvia Wilk Andrew Wilk, Sheri Barenblat, Sheila Cooper
Marvin Leavitt Jori Garces, Cole Leavitt
Judy Lubell Larry Lubell, Heidi Kirsch
Terry Leavitt Matthew Leavitt
Abram Joffe Lev Joffe
Chaim Joffe Igor Joffe
Frieda Lipovich Sofia Lipovich, Danny Lipovich