Friday, September 19, 2014

Lane Moving off to Northwestern

We knew the day was coming. We knew the day would arrive, when an ultrasound showed us a healthy looking fetus, and confirmed an estimated delivery-day.  There was never a point when we pondered the possibility that Lane would not attend college. With Northwestern on the quarter system we actually had an additional 20 plus days, just over 480 hours, hearing friends tell stories and post pictures of them packing, delivering, and then tearfully waving goodbye to their child..  

All this points to my complete lack of justification for being caught off-guard by Monday the 15th, or as I refer to it, "Black Monday." Don't get me wrong, I'm excited that at college, he is going to learn, grow and make many new friends. Lane just called me and told me about the courses he has selected, and I'm delighted by the prospect of him getting to take such an interesting collection of classes. It's just that him heading off to the dorm qualifies as a major event, and in our home, events are documented through writing but also at 24 frames per second.

In an ideal world I would have lugged around at least a tripod (a dolly and track would have been quite pretentious, particularly at a school  with a film department). I also am trying to force two short movies into one, something that is artistically flawed, but OK, since the idea was to document the first 24 hours.