Am I proud of Lane graduating High School?
I understand if that strikes some as an odd thing to say, it's just that I never had any reason to contemplate the possibility that he would fail to graduate. As I have explained to Lane frequently, this is perhaps the downside of possessing a record of high achievement - expectations tend to get rather lofty. Sure I get that there is something inherently unfair about me suspending the hoops so high off the ground- But damn it, you keep jumping through them.
I don't want anyone to think that I'm not extraordinary proud of Lane, that I don't get how hard he works, or that I don't appreciate his accomplishments. While I am in the habit of "reminding him" of items that he, or I, put on his "To do list," I do also write him lengthy texts filled with glowing praise. When I take issue with his overly brief responses, he will reply "Dad, you're the only one that sends an 800 word text."

OK, so getting a diploma I took as a given, but I am proud of how well he did, and how that success opened the doors to Northwestern. I'm in awe of the dedication to complete, and the caliper of writing in his 3 act play. I am genuinely impressed by the laser-like focus he direct towards his films and other writing projects. I do understand the daunting task of opening Avid Media and needing to find, match and sync several hundred audio clips to an equal number of video clips, knowing that upon completion, hundreds of hours of editing await. I was thrilled watching him and his friend Hunter perform songs at Old Town School of Folk Saturday night, great job Lane finding a woman that can really sing.
But what might impresses me most is Lane's sense of empathy and loyalty, it is sincere, and I have no question that it explains his ability to surround himself with such a great group of friends.
One more thing: I cannot adequately convey how much happiness he brings to my life each and every day. He is a best friend, an artistic collaborator, a person that never disappoints and one that I know will never stop making me proud.
Now I can go home and get upset that he didn't put back my WaWa and overdrive pedals.
Ed and Steven drove in in order to celebrate Lane's graduation, I know Lane appreciated them being able to watch him step forward to the next stage of his life.
Lane is going to miss the comfort of having an apartment to hang-out in each day after school.
When my and dad gone most of the winter, he had the place to himself, when they were home he had the joy of their company.