Lane had a performance as part of his acting Class.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Latin Acting Company
This is a compilation of members of Latin Acting company class giving their semester performance.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Lane has spent the past two months preparing for the school play. Saturday I took the day to watch them take photos as well as run through the production. I must say I was both impressed as well as I gained a better understanding of just how much work goes into bringing a play to the stage.
These kids invested between two to three hours per day for many weeks.
Latin School of Chicago presents the world premiere of a new adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, written and adapted by Emily Schwartz.
Emily is a Chicago playwright who is the Artistic Director and resident playwright of the Strange Tree Group.
The play follows Alice as she falls down the rabbit hole into the strange world of Wonderland, as envisioned by a group of 19th century performers. Using acrobatic and tumbling skills, props, and their own bodies, the performers create a world of wonder for Alice to explore.
The cast was trained in movement by CircEsteem, one of Latin's Uptown partners. The full cast went through a week long intensive training session before rehearsals started.
The show is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 24 through Friday, October 26. Tickets are $5 for students, $10 for adults and can be purchased at the door or ahead of time at the upper school reception desk.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Bike Rides Around Chicago
Since I have recognized the lack of wisdom of spending 8 hours baking in direct sun coated in baby oil; we have began to take more bike trips around Chicago.
I try to drag Lane along as often as possible, but play practice, homework, and plan with friends, results in him making about half of the trips.
The distance traveled is dictated in large part by the amount of available time; so our rides can rang from 10 to 30 miles.
This sounds more ambitious than is the case. I'm not sure what the conversion is, between biking and running, but one trains for a year to run 26 miles, to do that on a bike, you just get on and ride. It is worth mentioning that we are not challenging any of Lance Armstrong's times. We ride a while then stop for a late breakfast. between all the stops and eating, I'm not sure if I consume more calories than I burn off.

First you have the bike path along the lake-front. This is the most scenic route, and there in lies it's danger. It's popularity guarantees every conceivable mean of conveyance moving at a similar diverse set of speeds. As a result you have "Clipped in" riders flying by at sports car speeds, passing woman pushing baby strollers. Roller blader's side by side trying to get around a kid on his tricycle, joggers following behind some guy on a unicycle as it seems everyone is simultaneously calling out "On your left."
If we choose the streets, we are in constant threat of being hit by a car. The city's definition of a bike path, is to paint a white line on to a busy street. In Chicago it is common to find a car double parked and therby blocking the path, as well as the constant dange of someone opening their car door just as your bike is a few feet away.. The risk is bought home in a sad way when you come accross a "Ghost Bike." marking someone who was killed on that very spot while riding.
Needless to say we do use care when out on our bikes, and yes we do wear helmets.
Happy Birthday Judy
Judy got a Birthday surprise when two Long-Time Customers Jake Komay and Rosa Irizarry, Arrive with a Cake inscribed “Happy Birthday Judy"
Read More
Monday, July 23, 2012
Old Pictures and Memories
For years my parents, each time they have dragged-out any old photos, they are quick to state that "Your sister and you will never want these pictures." I have explained to them, to the extent that there is any truth to that; it would not be from a lack of interest in our family's history, it would be the result of a lack of "Context."
Old Pictures carry Memories only as long as the person viewing them recognizes the people contained, or stories connected to the images. Sure, devoid of information regarding the history, names and personalities: then one looses any personal connection the images and they become just generic "Old Photos."
It's the stories that are interesting.
Old Pictures carry Memories only as long as the person viewing them recognizes the people contained, or stories connected to the images. Sure, devoid of information regarding the history, names and personalities: then one looses any personal connection the images and they become just generic "Old Photos."
It's the stories that are interesting.
Jerry's Bar Mitvah
There are a few faces i recognize, but there are so many "Holes"
Today we live in a world where the average 16 Yrs old girl has 950 photos on Facebook
This was a time when two or three photos are the sole images to capture whole periods of one's life.
This is where names, dates and stories create value and interest. I want to see the stories posted here.Wednesday, July 18, 2012
With the temperature hitting 102 yesterday, there is no mistaking that summer has arrived .
While little changes for me, Lane is having a busy summer working at fist one intership at a video studio, then taking two classes at Colombia Collee, the to a 10 day intership with Michael Moore.
He is still adding to his website.
As well as making movies.
While little changes for me, Lane is having a busy summer working at fist one intership at a video studio, then taking two classes at Colombia Collee, the to a 10 day intership with Michael Moore.
He is still adding to his website.
As well as making movies.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Happy Birthday Jerry
Both you and mom, without fail, have made every reasonable attempt to be present at each event in my life, and now also in Lane’s.
Throughout these many years, you taught me how to be a son, but simultaneously and more importantly, how to be a good father.... After 26 years working for you you've presented me with vast information and lessons on running a business.(In that area I wish I was a better student).
You have always been the foundation upon which all of my hopes and dreams have been built and there is not a day that goes by that I am not consciously thankful for all you have done, and continue to do daily.
Friday, April 27, 2012
2012 Chicagoland High School Film Festival
For the second year in a row, Lane has a film that's been selected
as a finalist in the Chicagoland High School Film Festival.
2012 Film Festival Finalists
Academic Integrity by Geoff Neal, Hayden McAfee, Frank Henderson, Jacob Hellinga, Patrick McGrail Lake Forest High School 13:11
Derivation by Nhan Huynh. Palatine High School 2:21
Robin and Her Wolf by Lane Lubell. Latin School of Chicago 12:55
The Following by Jess Greenthin. Palatine High 1:02
Heart and Soul by Anna Price. Palatine High School 3:18
Bridge by Devitt Conboy. Fenwick High School 7:00
John Shepphard Skate Contest by Patrick McGrail. Lake Forest High School 3:54
HIV/AIDS Awareness 2010 by Brittany Hardaway. Dunbar High School 2:51
Letter From a Stranger by Grant Terzakis. New Trier High School 11:47
Q-Tips by Brittany Hardaway. Dunbar High School 1:00
The Dream Act by Nayelly Trujillo. Juarez High School/Street-Level Youth Media 7:00
Room For One by Andre Kaplan. Latin School of Chicago 5:40
Party at the School by Brittany Hardaway. Dunbar High School 3:43
Invite your friends, family, teachers and neighbors–this is a celebration of you and your work.
Tickets are only $3.00 for students and $5 for adults. Tickets can be reserved or purchased at the door.
We will have popcorn, water and a few concessions available to purchase.
Chicagoland High School Film Festival 2012
6:30-9 PM Friday, May 18
Wrigley Theatre,
Latin School of Chicago
59 W. North Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60610
Thursday, January 5, 2012
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