I would Love to tell you about the calm, C'est La Vie attitude with which I approached this whole High School application process. About how I always knew it would all work out, that Lane would have a choice of fine options. The only problem is, for me to sate that would be a complete lie.
Forget about discussions over whether I viewed the glass as half empty or half full, I got to the point I was worried, what if the glass is poisoned. My Mom and Dad both had a hard time understanding my panic, especially since Lane was still in Kindergarten at the time.
"Don't you think your a bit premature in your worry," he said ,comforting me while reminding me that Lane was only starting his second week of SK.
Ilene managed to remain a bit more up-beat. To put this into "Homeland Security terms" she was a code YELLOW to my code RED.
As the years went by my pending sense of "DOOM" would range in volume from a constant dull hum, to the roar of a Harley "Fully-opened" on an otherwise quite night.
Time was on our side, but only in-so-much as the fact that I could tell myself that we have years before we have to face it head on; not that time was reducing the inevitable battle. To put it another way, we had years before Lane had to face the Dragon, but battle it he must, and the dragon was not getting any weaker while waiting.
Seventh grade was spent with me constantly apologising to Lane that we had put him in a situation where near perfection was the required minimum. I never had that pressure when I was in school; I did feel bad that he had that demand placed on his middle school years.
In addition to a school year that "REQUIRED" all "A"s , Lane had his Bar Mitzvah, and Fencing five days per week. One day he came home and told me he wanted to teach an elective class at school. I told him "I didn't know kids were allowed to teach classes to other Middle-school students." He said "Well not yet, but I made up a lesson plan and then I'm going to present it to the head of Middle School and the head of school, and see if I can persuade them to let me be the first. I can't remember the exact words of support I uttered but it went something like " Have you lost your Fu@k!#g Mind'? "This is 7th grade, don't you have enough on your plate already?
But, to his credit, he ignored me, and added teaching to schedule.
Somehow he pulled it off.......
He managed to jump-through the very center of each and every flaming hoop in his path. As a result, 7th grade concluded with Lane having a "Point-Total" that kept even the most competitive schools on the list of possibilities. At the same time it focused the need to continue down the path that could not entertain the idea of a single flaw. Like a person walking a Tight-Rope 100 feet off the ground - it doesn't help to make it "Almost across."
The first 3 months of eighth grade was basically one unending set of tests.
The Catholic School test, The Selective Enrollment test, The International Baccalaureate (IB) test, The Independent schools test (ISSE) and the National Merit Scholarship Test. The idea was to cast the largest possible net, so as to achieve at least one acceptance.
When he was not taking one of these tests, he was either "Shadowing" at some school, or we were all touring some open house, attending some event. Each of which required carefully crafted letters thanking "_______" for the opportunity to visit their school. I can state with absolute certainty, that I devoted more time writing the some total of these letters; than I spent on all the writing assignments I completed in all four year of high school.
If you have not gone through this process with your child, it is difficult to grasp the emotional marathon. The simple truth is that the lion's-share of Chicago public schools fall far below the threshold of "Possible choices." That results in somewhere around 20,000 + students competing for approximately 200 spots at Payton and 250 Spots at Northside, and I think somewhere in the vicinity of 400 at Young.
While the numbers are frightening, at least you understand the process, and have a numerical guide - a target.
The private schools have all the transparency of joining the Skull and Bones Society. As a result it is only natural to make some effort to fit into what you perceive to be that school's ideal candidate. This left me second-guessing each wardrobe choice, and, yes, actually standing in front of a mirror asking the burning question- " Should I tuck my shirt in, or leave it out." If your a Black male, with straight "A"s, and test scores in the top 2%, and have parents that are able to write "Large-Checks" over and above the $28,000/year tuition - I have to assume your acceptance letter is in the mail.
Other than that, it's a mystery!
On February 16th Ilene flew out to Detroit to be with her mom while she was in the hospital suffering from a reaction from a new medication. Two days later, Lane and I drove out to be there as well. ( I am so happy to report that she is feeling better).
Friday February 18th was the day that the Private school letters we all sent. That meant that when we arrived back home Sunday night results would be waiting in the mail box. Starting Saturday morning, the first of the Facebook postings started to appear. Lane was busy congratulating friends that got into schools that he new were their first or second choice. This time of year is a social minefield- your happy to see friends get into places they want to attend, you feel bad for those that you know are disappointed. Clearly there was a part of me that wanted to get home as soon as possible to check the mail; while I also must admit that the idea of getting in the car and just continuing to drive till we reached a small town in Utah where we could Begin "New Lives" with out ever looking back, and more importantly; without ever opening those envelopes.
It was about 7:30 that night when we pulled into the garage, the 30 foot walk from there to the back door felt like it took hours. The envelopes were spread-out and Lane opened them up one at a time, with a care that almost felt like how they were opened would somehow effect their content.
Yes, to my surprise Lane did get into Latin,
No, to my surprise Lane did NOT get into Northshore Country Day.

I was pretty sure it would have been the opposite.
I still think Lane is a "Perfect fit" for North Shore. But OK. I'm fine with the way it turned out. You have no idea how hard it is to get Lane up and out of the house by 8:00, the idea of him making a 6:45 train is hard to imagine.
I keep a spray bottle of water in his room- spraying him in the face is about the only way to get him up in the morning.
We first applied to Latin when Lane was 5 years old. After being "Wait-listed" for JK, again for SK, again for third grade, we had the YES we had been waiting to hear.
The Contract signed, the first $1,000 check attached, just $119,000.00 more to go. Ilene ready to personally deliver the envelope. Based on his test scores- we were not surprised that he was accepted into the I.B.
I was almost hoping that he did not get into Northside Prep. so I would feel better
about paying for Latin - but he did.
This brings us to today - Torn !
Latin is a beautiful building, at the idea location, 2 1/2 miles from home, a mile from my work.If he forgot something at home, we could "Cover" After school, he could walk to my office, the building, literally looks out at my parents building.
Class sizes range from a high of 15 to as few as 5.
We know if we email a teacher at 1:00- they will write back by 3:00 that same day. It would be impossible for Lane to fall-through-the-cracks. He will go there with some of his friends, including one of his best friends.
Even though this has a reputation as a very academically challenging school;
We KNOW Lane will be successful here. Cost $28,000 +
OR..... Northside Prep
Top 100 high schools in Illinois
In 2010 Northside was rated #37 in the nation by the U.S. News & World Report

#1 High School in Illinois
With an Average ACT Score of 28.5
The location an hour round trip. A Public school with 20+ kids per class. (20 very smart, over-achieving Kids).
The school is likely the best public school in the Midwest.
They have a Laptop program the school is about 12 years old.
Lane will only know two people, both girls, Very nice girls, but both years older.
My fear is that I'm throwing Lane into a "Pressure- Cooker).
Cost = $0
I try to tell my self I'm being "Nice" to Lane by letting him pick - Truth is I'm reluctant to make the decision.
We are going to tour Northshore this week.... It is impossible not view it as a real option.
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