Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lubell For President


Just when you thought this years election cycle could not get any stranger, the number of write-in and third party candidates grows.

Bob Barr is the 2008 Libertarian nominee for President of the United States. Previously, he represented the 7th District of Georgia in the U. S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003. Known for being "Right-of-center" Conservative views, and a leading voice in the movement to impeach Clinton.

Ralph Nader was born in 1937 to Rose and Nathra Nader, immigrants from Lebanon. In 1958, he received a LLB with distinction from Harvard Law School.

Nader’s career as a public advocate started at the age of 31 with an article titled “The Safe Car You Can't Buy,” which along with his subsequent book, “Unsafe at Any Speed,” documented safety defects in U.S. cars and criticized the automobile industry's safety practices, specifically targeting the Corvair.

Ralf was popular with the "Left" till he cost Al Gore the election.

Lubell For President in 2008?